Kajal Chaterjee
Just like a great athlete starts with a bang as soon as the whistle gets blown, the newly recruited boy also had started his official career with gusto as soon as he was allotted his official responsibilities.
His work domain was not a bit simple. After all the field of medical reimbursement is an extremely sensitive issue. Not only should the medical expenses of the beneficiary be reimbursed as earliest as possible; utmost care must also be taken so that neither the State exchequer suffers any loss nor the beneficiary gets deprived of his /her entitled due. So all the rules regulations nitty-gritty revolving the complex issues are not only required to be handled with much care, but also with supreme alacrity.
Yet just like a duckling takes to water with natural ease and grace, this boy or young man had started negotiating the choppy ocean of medical formalities with unbelievable efficiency. Right from the first hour of the office to the last(with hardly any absence), he used to sit in front of the monitor and work online. Since related paper works are also required to be handled; his march towards the rooms of the higher officials, through the long office corridors, to get the job swiftly done was a regular enriching sight.
Not to forget his impeccable soft humble behaviour towards the concerned beneficiaries guiding them with necessary advice and warm cooperation.
Will he gain anything in economic terms? Will he get access to promotional posts before allocated time? No way, yet he did so by answering his inner call of conscience and to remain accountable to himself.
Clicking pictures or making videos of anybody without his/her permission is ethically wrong as it breaches the privacy of the person concerned. But it can be done by taking necessary permission of the subject concerned as Satyajit Ray had accorded to the famed photographer Nemai Ghosh. So the latter used to cover each and every action of the legendary maestro when he was in work in film sets delivering direction, checking the camera frame, writing the script or examining the make-up of the artists.
Had I been on the shoes of Ghosh, surely I would have covered each and every act of my young colleague through mobile camera - - still pictures as well as videos!
And thereafter thrusted it in front of the eyes of the "mainstream" or "majority" whose opinion on every issue under the sun are damn rubbish to put it most softly! So in their eyes, persons associated with Government sector attend or not attend office at their own "sweet free" will! If they care to attend, they are not supposed to do any work! And if at all they perform any work, they must be bribed at first!
There lies no doubt to the fact that a section of the government personnel are indeed callous indifferent heartless corrupt to the extreme. But does their exist any sector in the whole country which is a "paragon of virtue"! Since bad apples exist in every sector in the society, obviously government sector also cannot be absolutely free of such elements. But how can the whole set of government personnel be painted in black hue just because of the offence of a section! Can the "mainstream" dare to act so audacious and character assassinate the legal educational medical or business fraternity in such a derogating fashion!
The work ethics of the young man gain another dimension and height when seen through another angle. Perhaps at least 5 months ago, he received offer of a much lucrative job in another government sector - - - both in terms of economic and promotional opportunities. Obviously he had accepted it. But had to wait before receiving actual appointment letter as lot of formalities are required to be done. At last date of release from our office has arrived. The matter deserving maximum exposure remains that despite getting guaranteed of the better service opportunity, despite his days being numbered in our office; the boy still continued to give his best till his date of release since last 5 months as far as rendering service is concerned.
In the sector of Business Management, a very important subject is "Motivation". So as to get the best from the employees in Corporate sector, the company mandarins are always in research mode how to motivate them through perks incentives commissions increment awards and what not (according to quality of service rendered)! But our man of the much-maligned government sector (where promotions and increment are not linked to output or quality of service, rather dependent upon mere date of appointment only) didn't care of such artificial "motivating" factors as he preferred to remain accountable to his own conscience.
So those who are in the practice of denigrating the personnel attached to the government sector must learn to uplift themselves first in moral terms by drawing inspiration from this young man and countless other personnel who give their best day in and day out without caring of any personal benefits!
Work is work. No work can be belittled irrespective of wages salary or designation. All work deserve equal respect if done with honesty and efficiency. But it is also true that higher Chairs means higher power. And by virtue of such power, a person turns capable of doing more good or more harm depending upon his/her mindset.
With a heavy heart, I will definitely bid him goodbye; but the greatest consolation remains that by virtue of gaining higher Chair and power, our young man would be in a position to render benefits and service to the society in a much more constructive and effective way.
Though he is affiliated to almost the same generation as my son, I don't feel minimum hesitation in confessing that his work ethics, sense of accountability, values will continue to inspire me and allowing myself to give my possible best in the last lap of service life.